Sidy really self prosecuted him after the sexual wrongdoing as he went to the police division to report that the young ladies he laid down with took his vehicle: an extravagance Audi Q3.

After a further examination, the whores associated with the vehicle burglary were observed to be underaged(just 17), and Sidy was put in jail.

Footballer Sidy Sarr welcomed two youthful whores to instigate sex with him on October 18, 2021.

Later after that action, the two young ladies took his keys and took his vehicle left external the spot.

Sidy documented a report against the young ladies just to turn out scarcely the period of consensual sex.

They were both 17, and Sidy was captured for having intercourse with the minor whores.

On Wednesday morning, the capture made on October 18 was trailed by his location to the Court on October 20, 2021.

Sidy paid the young ladies for including in sexual exercises with him that evening, yet things took around go just to strike him at the back.

Sidy Sarr has been assigned to answer to the Magistrate of Nimes’ Public Prosecutor for Wednesday morning.

His capture has made an excess his club playing the second level in the French association.

The club will end Sarr’s agreement following the court procedures.

Sidy Sarr has been captured and put in jail in Nimes jail following his minor rape on October 18, 2021.

Despite the fact that Sarr expressed that the sexual lead was consensual and paid for the whores, he did an illegal demonstration including two minors.

The whores matured both 17 took the cash and took his vehicle, which the footballer had no choice than to report.

In the wake of recording the report and talking exhaustively, the character of the two young ladies was examined, and Sarr was charged for completing sex with two minors.

The player, who is presently 25 years old, had no disgrace before his report documenting.

— N U H U ™️ (@NuhuAdams_) October 20, 2021

In view of his wrongdoing and the forceful idea of his including minors, Sarr has been accused of minor sexual assault(though consensual).

French Law will observer Sarr serving 20 years in jail according to the wrongdoing charge report for sexualizing a minor under 18.

The neighborhood office rebuff the wrongdoing, and overabundance charges can be added dependent on the footballer’s past rape records.