Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek, known particularly for streaming battle royale games like PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and, to a lesser extent, Apex Legends, is now making Mixer his exclusive streaming home. He announced the change of outlets in a recent Twitter video.

According to a press release sent to some outlets, including Polygon, Mixer is offering an incentive to help people make the switch from Twitch to Mixer as well: a free one-month subscription to Shroud’s channel if they have a Mixer account.

Twitchtracker shows Shroud is the third most popular streamer, with over 26,000 subscribers, so there’s certainly a lot of audience shifting to do — and apparently, it’s working. The Hollywood Reporter said Shroud’s first stream on Mixer pulled in over 78,000 viewers. For reference, his average viewer numbers usually sit between 27,000 and 28,000.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more info on the streaming shakeup as it develops.

Shroud Leaves Twitch for Mixer  First Stream Pulls in Double His Usual Average - 57