Should I Watch TV at Work or When I Study?

Should you watch TV while studying or working? Well, we are going to look into some points. Personally, during the study session, it would seem very distracting but each to themselves and at work, it would also seem distracting, but it could depend on the job. Let us go in further;

Watching TV at work:

Now, this could be at any place, even at home, because you can also work at home. Now there has been research that background noises help when it comes to working. But not loud when it comes to the noise as that can distract you. The background music also helps in granting you creative ideas. There was another research conducted where workers were asked, do they watch TV at work. Fifty-one per cent of them said no, and 48 per cent of them said yes. Seventy-five per cent of the researchers said they watched while working. There are different reasons why people watch tv at work. It helped in concentration, sometimes if someone did not have enough work, they would watch to pass time. Another reason could be because of break time. Some people disagreed with watching Tv during work hours. Now, what genres were watched while the workers were working and in what order were people watching in terms of their popularity? The first one was comedy. The next one was educational and the list goes on. The last one was Science Fiction. Now, someone else mentioned that watching TV during work is a distraction. And this is regarding watching TV during your break. So when you go back to work after watching Tv, you are not focused. But there are both advantages and disadvantages to watching TV. It can help reduce your stress but it can cause you to feel lazy. It is a cheap form of getting entertainment, but it can cause you a TV addiction, and you would not like that during work hours when you need to stay focused. It can help lessen the boredom that you face at work, but it can also make you anti-social. You can also stay updated with the news channel. This can help when it comes to background noise. Remember, if you are watching the news whilst at work, make sure to put the volume low when working. Another disadvantage? If you work late hours, for example, on a device and you want to take a break while watching something else on the device, that is not healthy for you. If you are working on a device, you should take a break from it when you are working late hours. Look for something else to fill your time. If you are the type to get heavily involved with your TV shows, emotionally, then I suggest being careful with your consumption of the TV. If you get emotionally attached to a character or show, and something happens to the character or the show, it can cause you sadness and may give you a hard day at work because of how you feel.

Watching Tv while studying:

Now that we have mentioned whether it is good for you to study at work or not. We are going to go into whether it is good to watch TV while studying. With the TV on and with you studying, it may be a distraction. Now it is another thing if you are someone that needs noise to focus. Your alternate option should be white noise. It can be calming for you. Research has concluded that watching TV while studying develops a bad habit. When you turn on a TV show while working, it can be bad. After all, if you need to focus on your studies but, are watching something of interest, it may not give you an easy time going back to work, especially if you do not want to do the work because it is difficult or not fun. 


It truly is everyone for their own. For some people, it may work, and for some people, it may not. It is a matter of opinion. But all in all, it is best to stay away from the TV during work hours. Learn to focus on the task at hand, and if you want noise you should try white noise. 

Is it good to watch TV while studying?

No, it does not. It affects your performance. 

Is it okay to watch Tv while working from home?

Not recommended.