Proxies on iPhone

Like every other proxy that serves as an intermediate between a user and the website, the iPhone proxy is not different. It helps to serve as a sieve. By doing this, a proxy helps distinguish between harmful and important content. 

Your IP address can show your exact location, which can threaten you. However, using a proxy on your iPhone will cover for you. You can easily remain anonymous while on the net. Having a proxy serves as your shield. iPhone proxies can either be PRIVATE or SHARED. The difference between them is that while a shared proxy is accessible to anyone with your IP address, a private proxy is personal.

Importance of turning on configure proxy for Wi-Fi on your iPhone

It is advisable and important to turn on your configured proxy if you will or are using your Wi-Fi outside your home. The importance of proxy configuration for Wi-Fi on your iPhone includes;

  1. Enjoying browsing freedom

  2. Staying hidden without revealing your IP address; by using a proxy, your personal information remains personal. 

  3. Keeps your data safe from snoopers

  4. Access to content and websites without restrictions; with proxy, you can stay in your room and directly access the whole world. There is no location barrier with it.

Steps to Configure Proxy For Wi-Fi on Your iPhone

Configuring proxy on your iPhone is easy; you can get it done in a few minutes. Follow the steps below, and you are good to go.

Step 1: Select the SETTINGS  icon on your iPhone

This is easy; you only need to open your phone and look for the ‘settings’ icon. Click on it and proceed to step 2

Step 2: Click on Wi-Fi

A tap on the Wi-Fi icon will immediately take you to the ‘Wi-Fi network.’ Click on this and proceed.

Step 3: Enable configure proxy

Carefully scroll down and find the ‘Configure proxy’ icon at the bottom of your screen. The default setting for the configured proxy should be ‘off.’ It means that, at the moment, no proxy is used for your phone. The three options on your ‘configure proxy’ icon are; off, manual or automatic. You can either configure your proxy manually or automatically.

How To Configure a Proxy for Wi-Fi on Your iPhone manually?

Follow the steps below:

Click on the manual buttonEdit your proxy information. This should be made available while purchasing your proxy. Ensure that your IP address is not in the white-list section of the dashboard. Turn on authentication once your address is not on the list.  Enter your username and password. Press the back key and go to your Wi-Fi window. Click on SAVE

Once you follow these steps, your proxy details will be saved.

How to configure proxy automatically?

Follow these simple steps.

check the bottom page of the screen after clicking on automatic. look for HTTP proxies on your phone. Click on the auto option and wait. Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol will configure your proxy setting automatically. Then click on save.

You don’t need to enter your proxy detail with the auto option.

Things to note while running your Configuration

  1. Be careful of what you enter. 

  2. Essential pieces of information like your password and proxy details should be input with caution. A wrong entry means no connection.

  3. For every Wi-Fi, there is a unique proxy property. Every time you change your network, go over the Configuration.

  4. Ensure you save your changes.

  5. Make sure to go for a paid proxy. Don’t depend on free ones. 


It is possible to protect yourself, enjoy the unlimited feature on the internet, and even access locations with restrictions. These are only possible when you configure a proxy on your iPhone. The internet has a lot to offer, don’t be short-circuited. Get a paid proxy, configure it and enjoy unlimited offers on the internet. The answer to ‘should I turn on configure proxy for Wi-Fi on iPhone ?’ is YES. Go for it and enjoy.

Do I need to configure a proxy on my iPhone?

Yes, it is advisable to do so. It has a lot of advantages for you. Configuring a proxy on your iPhone is easy; you can get it done in seconds.

Can I use free proxies?

A free proxy does not mean a reliable proxy. It is better to pay for your proxy than look for free ones.