Because most people’s financial circumstances vary yearly, deciding whether to handle your taxes or employ an accountant is a question you should ask every year. You can prepare it yourself using tax software or the IRS website or hire a professional. The IRS does not impose any fees. 

So, should you do your taxes or pay someone for it? It’s not simply about the price for most individuals. Ultimately, it’s about comfort.

Methods of Filing Taxes

When it comes to paying their taxes, Americans have two fundamental options: 

  1. Prepare it yourself using tax software or the IRS website. The IRS does not impose any fees. Fill up tax forms. You may locate free filing choices if you have an uncomplicated income and earn over $73,000. A more difficult case, like self-employment or intricate investments, would almost certainly need the use of an online tax preparer, which may cost anywhere from $25 to $100 or more for federal and state filing. 

  2. Hire a tax professional. Only tax attorneys, CPAs, and registered IRS agents are eligible to assist you. allows you to search for suitably qualified preparers. Tax preparers typically charge approximately $100, depending on where you live and how difficult your taxes are. 

In contrast, accountants may charge at least double that, with comparable price fluctuations based on geography and complexity. 

Hiring a Professional

If you employ a professional…

You lack time and patience. If doing your taxes takes too much time, consider outsourcing. It’s usually wiser than speeding through your paperwork and making a mistake.

You have a complex tax position because you have dependents, investments, or considerable assets, make charitable donations, or operate a company. People who own firms, freelance, or are self-employed may need the assistance of a professional to sort out their unusual tax circumstances – deductions for home offices, business meals, travel, and automobiles are all audit red flags.

If you have significant medical expenses, a mortgage, or make considerable charitable contributions (among other things), itemizing your deductions may save you more money than taking the standard deduction. However, itemizing might be difficult to handle, particularly if this is your first time.

You’ve undergone a significant life change in recent years. Have you married? Considering purchasing a home? Do you have a child? These all influence your tax file, and you may want to have someone explain to you how to do it the first time.

If you pick this option, locate a tax expert with the appropriate degree of experience and specialty for your requirements. Some accountants work as generalists. Others specialize in aiding Americans living abroad or self-employed persons in various companies.

Where Should You File Your Taxes?

Several options are available to you if you need to file your taxes. Many organizations, such as H&R Block and TurboTax, provide tax software to assist you in your taxes or connect you with a professional who can do it for you.

A private tax business is one of the greatest areas for medical professionals to seek when filing their taxes. Many CPAs launch their businesses to provide tax services. Working with an accountant that has decided to specialize in tax preparation for physicians or other high-income persons means they will have faced comparable tax circumstances to yours and will be well-equipped to assist you in developing a tax strategy.

Finally, remember that even if you hire someone to prepare your taxes, you are entirely liable for the accuracy of the information given. Typos are one of the most common mistakes you can make every year, particularly from those who use the big mass-market tax preparation businesses you see on TV. These data entry specialists might make mistakes since they seldom give advice or assistance. 

They may misspell your name or input your Social Security number incorrectly, among other things. Please thoroughly study your tax return before filing it, whether you do it yourself or hire someone to do it for you. Regardless of your option, you should set aside time to verify your tax return for accuracy after it’s finished. 

  1. How Much Do Professionals Charge?

According to the National Society of Accountants, an average accounting firm costs $323 to file Form 1040, the standard individual income tax form, with itemized deductions. Including additional forms on your tax return implies paying more money. For example, forming your firm and filing Form 1120 for companies will cost you an additional $913 on average.

If you qualify, you may also get free tax preparation assistance through local non-profits. You may also be eligible if you are disabled or have inadequate English proficiency.

  1. Is It Difficult To Do Your Taxes?

It’s impossible to say if paying your taxes is challenging. Everyone’s tax status is unique. For some, tax preparation consists of filling out one or two forms. Others may see hundreds of new forms and schedules added to a standard tax return.

If you’re still in your early career, you may have to deal with additional forms and paperwork for prospective student loan interest deductions. As your career progresses, you’ll be adding real estate taxes and deductions, investment income, and maybe self-employment to your yearly tax return, which means filing your taxes will become more time-consuming and difficult.