Eric Schmidt, Google’s former CEO, now Chairman, was recently interviewed by the BBC. He spoke about various topics, but the one you’re probably most interested in is Google Glass. Asked when consumers will be able to walk around the streets with a smartphone strapped to their heads, Eric’s response was “probably a year-ish away” from now.

This shouldn’t surprise any of you. The Google Glass units that in developers’ hands right now runs about $1,500. That’s twice the price of the latest smartphone from Apple or Samsung. Electronics have this magical ability to get cheaper over time, but I suspect that even if Glass launches during the summer of 2014, it’ll still cost an incredible amount of money. What do I think about Glass? It’s ambitious, but I’m not sure it’s needed. Then again I said the same thing about tablets, and now they’re replacing personal computers. Wearable computing will be a thing, I’m positive of that, but I’m not confident in saying that Glass is the answer.