Being the cheapest transportation type, charges depend upon multiple factors such as flexibility and speed, which means lesser the delivery time, more the delivery charge, weight and size of cargo, distance to which cargo has to be delivered, seasonal trends, high demands, higher costs, disruptions such as bad weather, shortages, pandemic hit, and many others. Another way to transport to New Zealand is through airway which is much more expensive, but to save time it’s ideal, especially for smaller packages. Shipping from the USA to New Zealand requires a skilled experienced transport company. Let’s dig out more about various modes of transport, their charges, and services provided by various transportation companies.

Different modes of transport: – 

Container sharing: –

The most economical format of shipping, ideal for small households’ products, having few packages. Sharing a container with other clients whose goods are also moving to New Zealand can help you save a great amount of money since you are not paying for the entire container. But this service has a demerit too, i.e., it took a bit more time to ship your product(s), than usual, since your shipping had to wait till your allocated container is full, but still, it is a widely used format since it saves a nice amount of money. The price for this type of shipping costs around 10,000 pounds to 11,000 pounds.

Full container load (FCL): –

The best option you can opt for is the fast delivery of your cargo. FCL service is available to all the ports of New Zealand. You can either load your goods in the container at the transporting company’s warehouse or also directly from your home. Container once sealed cannot be opened during the entire shipping process. After sealing the containers, they are transported directly to the appropriate port for shipping and are loaded in the first available vessel, so that you can get your products as soon as possible. After your container has reached New Zealand, it is securely uplifted and transported to the transporting company’s nearest warehouse to your delivery address, where there your contents are unloaded and checked against the inventory and other customs documents. After all the customs processes are cleared and provided, they didn’t create any issues, then your contents are delivered to your respective communicating address. The cost for this type of shipping cost around 19,000 pounds to 21,000 pounds.

Less than container load: –

It’s the same type of shipping service as of full container load, here also a personalized container is provided, but in this, there is no a restriction for the container to get filled, which higher the shipment charge and is least suggestible. The cos for this mode of shipping costs around 5 pounds to 12 pounds depending upon the package size and the period you want your delivery. 

Air Freight: –

The fastest way of transporting goods, very ideal for transporting items that have to be get delivered urgently while waiting for ocean shipment. Providing the fastest delivery, the air freight charge is typically very expensive compared to sea shipment charges. This type of shipping is usually ideal for shipments of smaller size products and those which have to be delivered in a short time.

Factors on which shipping cost from the USA to New Zealand depends: – 

Distance between the port of USA and to the ultimate address of New Zealand where good have to be get delivered;Quantity of goods;The period under which you want your goods delivered.

Conclusion: – 

The shipping industry is the oldest in history since human evolution, from 1000 years we are using ocean transport. Today, daily around 20 million containers are sailing throughout the world. Sea shipping is the most economical way of transportation when transporting goods in bulk, but for speedy delivery, today we’ve air transport too, but it is far more expensive than sea shipping. Sea Shipping from the USA to New Zealand generally cost around 20,000 pounds for a full container load, while around 10,000 pounds for a half container load or sharing container, while air shipping costs around 10 – 20 pounds for smaller packages depending upon the size of goods.

1 How much does it cost to transport a half container from the USA to New Zealand?

About 10,000 to 12,000 pounds depending upon the distance between USA port and New Zealand port.

2 how much does it cost for air freight from the USA to New Zealand?

Depending upon the package size, it usually costs around 20 pounds for smaller packages.

3 what are the cons of sharing a container?

The only con is that it takes more time than transporting a fully or your container. 
