“I hollered and had my other two enormous canines close to me yapping and snarling, yet our presence and clamor didn’t stage the mountain lion,” Kracker expounded on the assault, which started at 5:55 p.m. the evening of Nov. 28. At first, Kracker heard her canine howl and snarl from another room.


At the point when she thought that she is pet, she composed that she thought he was “writhing” and having a seizure, prior to hurrying to his guide and finding the mountain lion.

“I had the perspective that I expected to close the entryway between us as, right now, we were around 2 feet from the mountain lion with no hindrance between us,” added Kracker in her Facebook post. Subsequent to calling her cousin and starting to film the occasion, Kracker called her neighbor who brought over a firearm and went after the feline — however missed.

“It made the mountain lion run off… as did Sherman!,” composed Kracker. “We were staggered to see him promptly leap to his feet and run off, confounded.”

— Amy Larson (@AmyLarson25) December 7, 2022

“My neighbor followed after the mountain lion, and I corralled my canine back into the wellbeing of my home, where I analyzed him for specific wounds. Marvelously he was not injured with the exception of a little injury on his lip. He was shocky and scarcely responsive for a few hours, however every time I minded him, he would sway his tail to tell me he was OK.”

Kracker then, at that point, met with California Fish and Natural life, who affirmed they were inside their lawful right to do what they did.

She additionally composed that the office encouraged her to take her canines out as rarely as could be expected. It ended up being a word of wisdom: around 8:30 p.m. that very evening, Kracker composed that the lion showed up in the lawn on her neighbor’s side of the wall when she took the canines outside, it was obvious to think the coast.

Her family saw the feline again around 9:45 pm, she added, when they at long last gone out.

The next day, the mountain lion apparently killed two goats on the property before it was euthanized by state untamed life researcher, per KRON.

Audubon Ravine Farm noticed that the euthanized lion showed extraordinary way of behaving and was “bizarrely old” — a P1 female cougar who was around 16 years of age. KRON revealed that the creature was captured and followed by ACR’s Living with Lions project for a long time.

“Obviously, something was off with P1,” composed the undertaking’s important agent Dr. Quinton Martins.  “She was exceptionally old for a mountain lion which might have prompted issues connected with maturing including tooth wear, eased back reactions, debilitated faculties and perhaps other medical problems.

Lately, she was more ready to put herself close to human movement with individuals having regular sightings of her, as well as taking care of solely on animals, which is all exceptionally strange way of behaving.” The task will keep on following mountain lion developments nearby and help inhabitants as they coincide with the felines, per KRON.

Neighbor Ron Crane let the station know that it “might have effectively have been a youngster” that the lion killed, considering that their essential wellspring of food in California is deer and “the deer are lessening.” “I’m 49, and when I was in secondary school, there were no sightings,” Crane added. “The [cougar] populace was not however big as it seems to be presently.”

Fortunately, Sherman the canine experienced no serious injuries in the assault, per KRON.