Fortunately, the excellent game Sherlock: The Network can help you get your fix. The game is finally on Android after a popular run on iOS. It is available for both phones tablets from ay. You play as a member of Sherlock’s Homeless Network, sent out to solve crimes that are not important enough for the renowned, highly-functioning sociopath. However, the cases become more sophisticated put you in touch with key characters from the series, such as Holmes, tson, Inspector strade, Molly Hooper, Mrs. Hudson. The game does an excellent job of adding in little touches that connect you to the TV show, such as using its theme music characters’ favorite stops, like Speedy’s Cafe. en sent on a case you will navigate through a map of ndon, collecting money meeting key figures. The money gets you faster transport via the Underground or a cab. The game doesn’t let you off easy here, as each method requires solving a puzzle before continuing on the journey. zzle solving code cracking is a key element of the game, as you also collect facts throughout the case piece them all together in Sherlock’s Mind lace. Speed is critical, as solving cases more quickly improves your score. This can be connected to the game’s leaderboard by linking to your Facebook account. Unfortunately, there is no support for ay Games, which shares achievements leaderboards across one’s connected contacts. As the service has become used more widely across Android games, the ones that lack this feature start to feel incomplete. The first two cases are free; then cases three through six, seven through ten, are about two dollars each. If you like the game then jump on the bundle deal, which gives you all the cases for $3.55. Having played through the id version, I find the Android version to be buggier by comparison. It crashes at least once every couple of gaming sessions. so, the touch is hyper-sensitive at times when seeking out clues in a document or newspaper. This makes it difficult for the game to recognize that I am tapping on the correct clue. Fortunately, since the August 6 launch the developers have pushed out a number of bug fixes. ile you can play the game on a phone or tablet, I recommend the latter if that is available to you. Finding some of the clues navigating the map are much easier with the extra screen real estate.