ong with the usual notifications like text messages email alerts, shbullet has customizable channels that notify you when a favorite website publishes new content. It also has a sleek feature that copies text between your computer smartphone or tablet. This redesign adds a navigation drawer with quick access to your channels, connected devices, other settings. You now filter notifications by device, such as turning off specific alerts to your phone but keeping the flow open to your tablet or computer. shbullet is a great app for reducing the number of times you need to reach for your phone when it buzzes. The channels provide an excellent workflow for getting instant updates from favorite sites instead of sifting through Twitter or RSS feeds. It’s also the best option for Android owners to get similar functionality to what Apple is building in to OS X iOS with its Hoff capabilities. shbullet has extensions for Chrome, Firefox, a beta version for ndows. rk is underway on a Mac OS X option. The impact on you: The update makes shbullet much cleaner easier to navigate, with all the animations, icons, toggles looking how  intends with Android 5.0.  You can check out the full changelog update the app directly at the ay Store.