Shaw guide stops working due to bad input, memory failure, issues in a remote, and an outdated version. If you face this problem, check you’re remote before doing anything complicated. 

Change the batteries if needed. Secondly, check the cable box and restart it and update it, if it is an old version. 

Be careful in solving the issues because it is a very sensitive connection. 

Reasons for not working of Shaw Guide:

Before doing the complicated steps, understand the problem that is causing the issue of not working of Shaw Guide:

Bad inputMemory failureOld versionIssues in remote

Bad Input:

The guide works as software in your cable box.  If the input is wrong or bad, it will not connect with the cable box and the guide will not show up. 

Memory Failure:

If memory failure takes place in the Shaw, the viewers can’t be able to use the guide. They will not be able to locate the guide on their devices. 

Old Version:

The channel guide can be unavailable due to the outdated version of the Shaw. If the viewers are using the old version, the guide may have become unavailable on their devices. 

Issues in Remote:

The guide will not show up if you can’t send your command. It can be caused due to issues or faults in the remote. Maybe, it is time to change or replace the batteries of the remote. 

Solutions for not working of Shaw Guide:

Software issue is the most common issue in the not working of the guide. I will discuss some solutions, that will help you solve this issue:

Hard resettingFix the issue of remoteImprove the connectivityUpdate the deviceReset the gateway of ShawContact support

Hard Resetting:

 All the temporary flaws will be solved by hard resetting of the receiver. It may also fix the guide. These steps will help you to reset the receiver:

Remove the receiver’s cord from the electric socketBe patient for 5 minutesPlug the cord of the receiver into the electric socket againOn the receiver and check it, Shaw guide is working or not

To avoid complications, the receiver should directly plug in the electric socket.

Fix the Issue of Remote:

The issue may be with the remote if the Shaw guide is not working. Firstly, you should check your remote before going further:

Remove all the batteries of remoteTwo times press the EACH remote buttonThere should be nothing between the TV and remoteThere should be no electric devices ear the cable boxThe guide button should be pressed with pressureReplace the old batteries with new batteriesRestart the digital boxCheck the guide

If the problem is still not solved, there must be some other problems.

Improve Connectivity:

You should be aware about what are you watching is cable content or something else. The guide only works with the software of the cable box.

The cable should be tightly plugged inFor testing, plug the cable into another portTry the cable o another deviceClean the holes of the hardware device and check the cable

Update the Receiver:

If the updates do not occur automatically, you can update the receiver by using these steps:

Go to the settings of the receiverOpen the updates and check the versionCheck the recent updatesTo start the update, click on Apply

You should also update the TV, the problem may be occurring due to the old version of the TV.

Reset Gateway:

All of the contents will be re-downloaded by resetting the gateway of the Shaw. Follow these steps:

For 10 seconds, press the resetBe patient for the 5 minutesResetting will be done

Now you can check, whether the guide is working or not. 

Contact Support:

If the problems are not solved by these solutions, contact Shaw support. They will do some updates and the problem of not working guide will be solved.  

Reset Channels Online:

Go to the websiteSign in to the accountGo to the help and supportRefresh it and be patient for 10 minutes

If your Shaw guide is not working, I have mentioned all the reasons and solutions to the problem. You can easily ignore the complications if you know about the reasons behind not working on the Shaw guide. I have also mentioned the solutions, use these solutions and solve your problems.