How expensive are teeth shaving?

The cost of dental teeth shaving practice varies. It is not the same for every town or country there is a price array for the practice. Normal dental measures fee is between $60 to $500. A more multifaceted practice like Occlusal equilibrium is more expensive and could be above 700$ to $2000. Dental Insurance sometimes covers part of the charges compulsory for the practice but largely depends on the medical reasons for wanting to carry it out.

What does teeth shaving entail?

Teeth shaving involves using dental tools and abrasion techniques to shape or contour the teeth to improve their appearance so the teeth can fit into the mouth properly or improve the esthetics. This process called odontoblast involves removing a small cost of the coating causing the teeth to give the teeth shaving shape.

Procedures in teeth shaving

Before carrying out teeth shaving, carry out an x-ray to see the size and get an overview of the teeth.

―During the process, a tiny bit of the enamel is removed of about 3mm or less, this enamel is an important chunk of the teeth, and taking all out can permanently damage the tooth in concern

― Anesthesia is not mandatory. The system is painless and nerve, gum, or pulp tampers.

― Using sand disks in the process brings about a pulsating feeling which is harmless.

―After using a drill to sculpt the tooth/ teeth to an appealing shape, they are polished to look attractive 

NB: Occlusal Equilibration is a slight reshaping of the whole teeth so they can be smooth in the mouth. If one focuses on chewing with one tooth for a long time, it could result in pains and headaches, or lost teeth. The practice corrects the problems.

Is tooth shaving risky?

Unlike other beautifying techniques, tooth shaving is not risky, but a predictable practice. To dental researchers, it is risky when it is performed on a fragile tooth since a tiny amount of enamel needs to be removed to modify the outside shape. Hence, carrying out the practice without dental supervision at home is risky and can cause permanent damage.

Reasons for undergoing the practice?

These are the reasons why you should give it a trial:

When there is a damaged tooth, tooth shaving aids in correcting the tooth. 

In a situation where the teeth overlap in the mouth, tooth shaping helps to create more room in the mouth through the aid of orthodontic appliances.

To improve the aesthetic, beautifying practice gives a more pleasing smile.

 When there is contact pressure between the teeth, it results in anguish when biting, so tooth filling helps to relieve such pains

What are the benefits of teeth shaving?

The benefits of shaving are: 

It helps to improve oral hygiene since areas where tartar and germs are capable of hiding up are being removed.

It helps to improve the aesthetic and self-confidence when one smiles showing white and glittering teeth.

It lessens the risk of tooth decay.

It fosters oral hygiene.

Who are teeth shaving meant for?

Tooth shaving is for candidate whose teeth are rough, or split, and if the alignment of your teeth is troublesomeness, then you can book an appointment with a dentist. Also, when you sense a tingle in the process of biting or chewing food. The practice to embark upon. If you’re not in the class of the former and after I see no reason why you show throw money away.


Teeth shaving is a prehistoric practice, back in ancient they used sharper and unsterilized objects to carry out the practice and a patient may not live later. 

The research found in Slovakia exposed an over 6500year old tooth on the jawbone that was coated with beeswax. The Mayans used shells to replace teeth missing from the lower part of the teeth and amid the people of Egypt they inserted copper wire. 

However, these people carrying out this dental practice were not expatriates, thanks to a recycling dental chair the excruciating pain of standing is smeared. Don’t give up that smile or suffer toothache for no just cause, our ancestors died and had to carry on for years with swollen jaws because of no access to dental care, visit a dentist if you must because it is better to augment the appearance of your tooth/teeth than to have it removed permanently.

Is DIY tooth shaving risky?

YouTube and other social media apps and the internet at large are flooded with methods of shaving the teeth without doctors’ supervision. However, these practices are risky because, in a bid to use sandpaper or nail file to shape the teeth, the enamel in the teeth can be damaged leading to a bigger problem.

Are teeth shaving excruciating?

Of course not, it is an effortless process, one moment you’re on the dentist’s chair and the next you’re out with a smile so bright you want to take a selfie. The practice does not necessitate the use of numbing agent like anesthesia and requires less than an hour to complete

Can my damaged enamel grow back after a while?

It is difficult for enamel to regrow after it is damaged.  Protecting your enamel should be on the highest to-do list when it comes to the care of your teeth. Once the enamel is damaged through the use of abrasive, trying DIY tricks, veneers, the teeth, and other cavities become vulnerable to decay, and germs.