Seeking Shokera and Gassy Obaryion show up again much the same as before, though this time, Gassy has a cute little set of wings that almost makes us feel bad for chopping them off. Almost.

The Shogai are humanoid fiends with an endless craving for blood and a tendency to unsettle you by cutting themselves, while the Oni Hanma is your classic demon troll with a big hammer.

Kugutsu like to perch out of reach and torment you, so ranged weapons are a must for them. The Mogura Twins burrow underground and surprise you with big attacks.

However, giant demons and twinned monsters pale in comparison to the sheer horror that is Slinky Jakku, a multi-legged cross between a spider and a jack-in-the-box from hell that alternately bounces and crawls around arenas, trying to devour you.

Shadow Warrior 3 releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC later in 2021.

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