Kara, a young warrior, ends up shipwrecked in the Forbidden Isles and must figure out a way to survive using only her intelligence and, eventually, her custom-made boat. It’s billed as a “nomadic” survival game, meaning you won’t be surviving in one place until you turn it into your personal empire. Once an island’s resources run out, Kara must find a new island.

That’s where the boat comes in. You’ll design it to safely ferry you across the dangerous, wild ocean, dealing with treacherous winds, sea monsters, and more along the way. Each island has its own ecosystem, and they’re randomly generated as well. From the looks of it, Windbound isn’t a journey that’ll get stale fast.

Kara’s ultimate goal is getting home, of course, but the Forbidden Isles host many strange mysteries as well. Things aren’t as idyllic as they seem, and what Kara finds might change her life forever.

Windbound is set for a digital release on August 28 for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Windbound news as it sails in.