ile the status of the Sprint HTC One (M7) is still labeled “certification” on the company’s software update page, details on the update are already available on Sprint’s website. Verizon has a similar ling page for it’s M7 variant, with all systems go on HTC’s software update page as well.  Sense 6 is a very nice scale back of the already-refined HTC custom user interface. Sure, it’s still far off from being stock Android, but Sense continues to look better in every iteration. The latest version of Sense is much cleaner shares the very flat look feel that’s become quite the trend as of late. Be sure to check out our HTC One (M8) review for more. Don’t fret if you don’t get a notification that the update is waiting for you today. OTA (over the air) updates can take days to become available, so just sit tight let the Sense 6 come to you.