Having a broken TV is sometimes irrelevant to keep since some are unrepairable, and hence the only thing you can do to them is dispose of them. In this scenario, recycling remains a better option since most technicians require different gadgets in your TV to repair other TV sets. However, before you decide to recycle your broken TV or sell it, you should consider if the TV set is repairable. 

Although selling these broken TVs seems a good idea, it will not make you huge money, thus not a lucrative business because people buy them at a throwaway price. Considering the repairs you may incur on your broken TV, it may cost you more, so you find it efficient to sell it instead of repairing it. 

Some TV will be broken when the buy warrant is not over yet; hence deciding to sell it is a bad idea since you are supposed to take that appliance to the seller for replacement. However, if the warranty period is over, you can choose between repairing it if it can be repaired or selling it if it is broken. 

The cost of repair of TV depends greatly on the type and model of the TV example if you are dealing with new models, i.e., smart and digital TV, the price may cost you $100 to $200 for repair. These costs in nee play a big role in determining the next or immediate decision o take if your computer breaks. An outlet accepts broken TV, and they pay you a certain amount. 

How much does a broken TV worth?

Compared to the price you bought your TV appliance, the buying price of your broken TV will almost go from $5 to $50 depending hugely on the damaged part and the type of the TV. The more the TV is broken, the more it will cost. 

Where to sell broken TV?

You may have a broken Tv and wondering where to sell it; the list provided here are genuine places where you can easily get the market of your broken appliance. 

An electrical and electronic repair technician.

Most technicians buy broken TVs to use them to remove useful parts and repair other TVs. They pay according to the look of the Tv and if they consider it hugely broken, will pay less.

Online stores like eBay, Ebid, craigslist, Facebook marketplace, 5miles, TV repairs shops and offers.

Most of these online stores are free to create an account and start advertising your product by giving and listing your product with detailed information about the product. They will ask you to ship the product, and if the delivery is successful, the payment is done to your account.

Return to the TV dealer or manufacturer.

When a TV is broken, you can enquire to the manufacturer if you can take it to them for a fee or a credit. They can offer another TV or any gadget in return, and you pay a small portion of money than required.

What parts are useful for a broken TV?

Tv comprises various parts, including electronics, e.g., capacitors, transistors, and others, audio, and speaker systems, housing, and picture tube. You may find that the only part that is broken is just one, and there is no need to dispose of your TV for free, but lather can choose to remove those useful parts and sell them independently or take them to a repair technician. These parts can make a small amount of money instead of keeping the whole TV in your home.

Is it illegal to dispose of your TV appliances?

TV or any electronic appliances contains dangerous parts which can cause harm to a person or the environment. These appliances do not decompose and are termed hazardous to the environment. In that case, some countries prohibit disposing of away your electrical device. These countries advise people to recycle their appliances or take them to facilities set aside by the government or the companies for recycling.s


Recycling your TV will not even earn you a substantial amount to use but will also make the environment clean by avoiding these indecomposable and hazardous parts of TV sets. For online marketing of your broken TV,  note that proper listing, presentation of your product, and correct price tags should be used to increase the chance of selling your product.